Call for Papers: “Trans Studies en las Américas”

A Special Issue of Transgender Studies Quarterly, Volume 6, Issue 2, (Spring 2019)

Special Issue Editors: Claudia Sofía Garriga-López, Denilson Lopes, Cole Rizki, and Juana María Rodríguez

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Submissions due: March 1, 2018

“Trans Studies en las Américas” calls for papers that center Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx trans theoretical, ethnographic, political, and artistic production. Throughout las Américas, trans studies takes up a multiplicity of forms: scholarly work that engages identitarian and anti-identitarian analytical frameworks, decisive interventions into state practices, aesthetic eruptions of creative energies, and strategic activist actions. These modes of inquiry and critical approaches are regionally inflected by the flows of people, ideas, technologies, and resources that shape contemporary trans studies, opening up space to explore the productive tensions and expansive possibilities within this body of work. This special issue aims to curate a conversation between trans studies scholars working across the Americas to explore how shifts in cultural epistemologies, aesthetics, geographies, and languages enliven theorizations of politics, subjectivity, and embodiment.

“Trans Studies en las Américas” calls for analyses, critical reflections, and localized histories grounded in performance, cultural production, artistic practices, public policy debates, human rights discourses, and activisms. The editors will accept texts in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Articles written in other languages of the hemisphere will be accepted pending available editing and translation resources. All accepted papers will be translated into English and published in TSQ. To honor each article’s language of submission, accepted articles will also be available in their original language through TSQ’s website. In the spirit of recognizing and valuing the academic labor of translation, we encourage anyone interested in contributing as a translator to contact us. All translators will be credited for their work.

Proposals might address:

  • Indigenous American genders and their colonial afterlives
  • Alternative gender epistemologies from the African, Asian, Middle Eastern diasporas
  • Latin American and Caribbean blackness, anti-black racisms, and trans politics
  • Trans cultural studies, visual cultures, performance studies, and literary analyses
  • Latin American, Caribbean, and hemispheric theoretical and methodological interventions
  • Visual, sonic, and corporeal trans performances, canons, archives, and aesthetics
  • Trans-translations and their discontents
  • Non-binary manifestations and creations of Latinx genders
  • Femininities, masculinities and their interstices, transformations, and refusals
  • Sexual practices, pleasures, labor, and the social life of genitals 
  • Activist strategies, practices, and performances
  • Tensions and slippages between temporalities, nations, localities, and regions
  • Trans, queer, cuir, cu, and LGBTTI alliances, affinities, and disassociations
  • Illness, access, disability, and trans-embodiments
  • Trans religious and spiritual practices
  • Latin American and Caribbean socialist, fascist, and capitalist histories and futures
  • State policies, citizenships, sovereignty, public practices, and local activisms
  • Circuits of migration, detention, exile, incarceration, deportation, and enslavement
  • Plantation and indentured labor resistances, historical entanglements, and contemporary manifestations
  • Regulation, deregulation, and hacking of biomedical knowledges and health care practices
  • Experimental papers (artist/activist/performance/memoir/oral history/poetry)

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2018. The expected length for scholarly articles is 5000 to 7000 words and 1000 to 2000 words for shorter works. All manuscripts should be prepared for anonymous peer review with scholarly citations in Chicago author-date citation style. The guest editors will respond to submissions by June 2018.  Final revisions will be due August 1, 2018. TSQ accepts submissions without regard to academic affiliation or rank; artists, activists, and graduate students are also welcome to submit materials for consideration.

To submit a manuscript, please visit Please note that TSQ does not accept simultaneous submissions. Manuscripts proposed for this issue cannot be submitted elsewhere until editorial decisions are sent out in June 2018. If this is your first time using Editorial Manager, please register first, then proceed with submitting your manuscript. You may address any technical or formatting queries to All manuscripts should be double-spaced, including quotations and endnotes, and blinded throughout. Please include an abstract (150 words or less), keywords (3-5 for indexing), and a brief author’s biographical note (50 words or less) at the time of initial submission. See: for a detailed style guide. If you have questions specific to this special issue, please contact the guest editors at

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly is a peer review journal co-edited by Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker and published by Duke University Press with editorial offices at the University of Arizona’s Institute for LGBT Studies. TSQ aims to be the journal of record for the interdisciplinary field of transgender studies and to promote the widest possible range of perspectives on transgender phenomena broadly defined. Every issue of TSQ is a specially themed issue that also contains regularly recurring features such as reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces. To learn more about the journal and see calls for papers for other issues, visit:

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