TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, Volume 6, Issue 1
Issue Editors: Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker
Although most issues of TSQ are special issues devoted to a particular theme, one issue each year is a general, open-call, non-themed issue. We are pleased to invite submission for TSQ 6.1, our next open call issue, to be published in the first quarter of 2019. We welcome works of varying lengths, on any topic that substantively engages with ‘trans’ as a subject of inquiry, methodology, or field of study. We especially encourage submissions that consider intersections of trans studies with other fields of study rooted in the critical analysis of minoritized populations such as people of color and people with disabilities, that engage with feminism, challenge trans studies’ emphasis on the global north, disrupt or productively complicate the dominance English in trans studies, or which include and esteem the embodied knowledge of trans persons outside of the academy.
The expected range for scholarly articles is 5000 to 7000 words, and 1000 to 2000 words for shorter critical essays and descriptive accounts. Illustrations should be included with both completed submissions and abstracts. Submissions must be received by January 29, 2018. Any questions about the issue should be addressed to our editorial office: tsqjournal@gmail.com.
To submit a manuscript, please visit http://www.editorialmanager.com/tsq. For step-by-step submission instructions, please visit our website: https://live-azs-lgbt.pantheonsite.io/transgender-studies-quarterly-0. All manuscripts must be double-spaced, including quotations and endnotes, and blinded throughout. Submissions will include an abstract (150 words or less), keywords (3-5 for indexing), and a brief author's biographical note (50 words or less) at the time of initial submission. Please visit http://www.dukeupress.edu/Assets/Downloads/TSQ_sg.pdf for a detailed style guide.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly is co-edited by Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker, and published by Duke University Press, with editorial offices at the University of Arizona’s Institute for LGBT Studies. TSQ aims to be the journal of record for the interdisciplinary field of transgender studies and to promote the widest possible range of perspectives on transgender phenomena broadly defined. Most issues of TSQ is a specially themed issue that also contains regularly recurring features such as reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces, with one issue each year being an open call, general issue. To learn more about the journal and see calls for papers for other issues, visit http://lgbt.arizona.edu/transgender-studies-quarterly For info about subscriptions, visit http://www.dukeupress.edu/Catalog/ViewProduct.php?productid=45648.