CFP: Queer Displacements: Sexuality, Migration & Exile

Aug. 27, 2019

Proposal Deadline: 1 September 2019

Conference: 14-15 November 2019

Australian National University | 

Canberra, Australia 

Questions of sexuality and refugee or migration status remain on the margins of queer and refugee movements, policy, and support services. The Humanities Research Centre invites paper and panel proposals that will respond in diverse and interdisciplinary ways to the questions of an intersection of sexuality with a refugee status, including situations when queer people fall through the cracks of common refugee or migration pathways. LGBTIQ people with the lived experience of seeking asylum are especially encouraged to apply. The full call for proposals and conference details can be found here.

**Professor Eithne Luibhéid (GWS faculty member and former iLGBTS director) will serve as a keynote speaker at this conference!